"Always find a time to throw a party"

"Always find a time to throw a party"

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

 Here is the final look on the table. It has some candies, lollypop, stuff animal, wood decor, popcorn, and balloons.  It was fun to put it all together.
I look at the thrift store for unique wood decoration, usually, I pay between $0,75 to $5 dollars. I like stuff animals it gives a table a good look and go very good with any type of decor. I have been collecting them, I wait for a sale and got it for 70% discount. 

I love milk bottles, I got my on the Dollar Store. I add the label and personalize straws. 

 I made the tree, it is very easy to make, I use cardboard and cover it with fabric. I did crochet on the top to embellish it I did add some fake eggs and decorate with chocolate ( Ferrero Rocher)

 I love decorating with lollypop, it is cute and cheap. This type of lollypop I got on Ross 12 for $2,99.My friend made this doll for me, is so cute ( you can see how to make it on YoutTube at Nana's craft).
All the others decor around I got on the thrift store.

I found this wood girl and I thought that will be perfect for this party. Also, I found a horse for $3 dollars. We can use a lot of stuff from second-hand store just need have an eye open and use your imagination.

I never spend too much on the cake because I like to have a cupcake to decorate the table. This cake is from Costco I just add some toy on the top from Walmart and candle.

I like a colorful table and a lot of detail on it. A backdrop on the wall with a colorful balloons help highlight the party.

I always buy two party theme tablecloths and cut the design part then I use a second tablecloth under and tape it with double tape, then I add more layers of plastic tablecloths ( for the under layers I use duck tape). I add a ribbon and sewing it as a zig-zag.  Here I have two tables together and use a king sheet on the top and with a safety pin, I  attach my table skirt. 

Centerpieces are fun to make, you do not need to be an expert just use your imagination and keep it simple and inexpensive. I use cardboard from the dollar store to create a fence. I did add some balloons and lollypops with mini farm animals inside.
The lollypops I bought on sale after Valentines.  

The plate and the water bottle label on the table always give a good look for your table.

Be creative and do not overspend. Here I use simple snack that kids love like; goldfish, lollypops, jello, rice crispy, popcorn, Oreos and cupcakes.
Use toys that you already have at home or borrow from a friend. 

Ballons is always fun to have, personalize it. 

I did cut some flowers to use it as a food label.

Decorate with toys.